"I went to three other therapists before I met Ms. Martin. She made me feel safe and truly heard. In a few short sessions, I felt that a shift occurred in me and I was able to breakthrough my depression and desperation and find hope."
A. Turner

"Ms. Martin integrates an incredible ability to make valuable insights into each person as well as give you a concrete inner life blueprint as to how to change your unwanted behavior"
M. Lieberman

"In Ms. Martin's workshop "The Gift", I really received the gift of myself. I am learning to accept who I am. I know that I am not alone, that other people experience the same feelings that I do. Before this weekend experience, I didn't understand what it meant to be "in charge of my life." I know now and this has given me a strength and a core I can always rely on."
S. Burgess

"The Gift gave me the permission to begin to trust my own feelings and thoughts. I know that I spent most of my life pleasing others. I now can also please myself. I found the spark of creativity I had as a child that I had buried under being a "responsible" adult."
M. Kresge

"My traditional upbringing didn't allow me to take the risk of becoming a singer. Through Ms. Martin's counselling and life coashing, I have learned to believe in myself and my talents. Anxiety and depression are no longer part of my life. I can give myself permission to be creative."
Y. Takemoto

"I formed an ethical standard based on honesty acceptance and respect from a young age. Perhaps it was an inherent sense of justice which was nurtured and fueled by my mother's spiritual outlook that emphasized the unity of all living things. My mother always respected me and my voice. As I grew, I always felt heard and valued for who I am."
Alexander Wentworth-Ping (Dee Martin's son)

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